Digital Goods

How to sell Digital Goods in your store

  • enable Digital Goods in "Payments & Policies"
  • In order to prevent copyright infringement, Digital Goods sellers have the following requirements:
    • 1. You must be the creator of the Digital Goods
    • 2. You must have the legal right to sell & distribute the Digital Goods
    • 3. Digital Goods do not infringe on the rights of others
    • 4. Digital Goods are delivered in unencrypted form
    • 5. Digital Goods are not executable files or harmful in any way
    • 6. Violation of any terms may lead to item removal, digital download sales suspension or account suspension
  • In the Payments & Policies page, the "Description of Digital Goods" will allow you to describe the type & genre of Digital Goods in your store. Its purpose is to help avoid any confusion about what is being offered for sale.
  • In the Payments & Policies page, the "Digital Goods return policy" will allow you to specify a return policy specifically for your Digital Goods.
  • Create a Digital Good listing by checking "Product is a digital good that the buyer can download immediately after payment" when posting a new item. A file upload will appear which will allow a single file upto 50 MB in size per item. Multiple files can be bundled into a single zip file.
  • The item listing will show "Delivery: Digital Download". Shipping information is not required for invoices that are all Digital Goods.
  • Buyers can download Digital Goods directly from the invoice for 14 days after payment has been made.
  • Sellers can view the download statistics on each item in the invoice.
  • Digital Goods must be posted in the "Digital Goods" category. If you don't see a relevant category then contact support and make a suggestion.
  • As always, selling Digital Goods is 100% FREE.