Kubota L2900 L3300 L3600 L4200 Tractor Service Repair Manual on CD

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Kubota L2900 L3300 L3600 L4200 Tractor Service Repair Manual on CD (It is already a very rare manual. The manual starts with the Safety Instructions section. (Safety First) There are some images that are not the best quality, black and white and dark in the manual. On page 213, the bottom line is not visible. In the electrical section there is one missing page, because the page 395 and page 399 are the same page, both pages show page 9-M2 drawing. So in the wiring diagram there is missing information, but overall the manual is 100 % complete.)

Thanks to look at this nice and easy to use service repair manual on CD.

Used by professional mechanics worldwide and this is the same manual on CD which is used by workshops.

Total Pages: 650 pages

Made: WSM, 11610., WSM, 11611., WSM, 17001.

Covers the following Kubota Tractors:

L2900 (2WD, 4WD, 4WD-GST),

L3300 (2WD, 4WD, 4WD-GST),

L3600 (4WD, 4WD-GST),

L4200 (2WD, 2WD-GST, 4WD, 4WD-GST).

You can now save lots of money by doing your own job with repairs! This manual on CD makes any service or repair work easy to do with very easy to follow step-by-step instructions and pictures on all areas of servicing and repairs.

Once you have bought this item on CD, it is yours to get forever. You can view it, read it and print it out.


All Models/Engines/Trim/Transmissions types are covered.


This high quality service repair manual on CD covers all repair and service procedure.

Safety Instructions


Travelling Speeds


G. General (Features, Tractor Identification, General Precautions, Handling Precautions For Electrical Parts and Wiring, Lubricants, Fuel and Cooling Water, Tightening Torques (General Use Screws, Bolts and Nuts), Maintenance Check List, Check and Maintenance, Special Tools, Tires, Specification of Implement Limitations)

1. Engine (Mechanism: Feauters, Engine Body, Lubricating System, Cooling System, Fuel System. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

2. Clutch (Mechanism: Features, Linkage Mechanism, Operation. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

3. Transmission (Mechanism: Structure, Power Train, Shift Linkage Mechanism, Independent PTO, Glide Shift Transmission, Differential Gear. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

4. Rear Axle (Mechanism: Features. Servicing: Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

5. Brake (Mechanism: Features, Operation. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

6. Front Axle (Mechanism: Structure: 2WD Type and 4WD Type, Front Wheel Alignment. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

7. Steering (Mechanism: Features, Hydraulic Circuit, Hydraulic Pump, Steering Controller, Oil Flow, Steering Cylinder. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

8. Hydraulic System (Mechanism: Hydraulic Circuit, Structure, Hydraulic Circuit For Three Point Hydraulic System, Hydraulic Pump, Oil Filter, Position Control Valve, Relief Valve, Hydraulic Cylinder, Linkage Mechanism, Hydraulic Power Take Off. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

9. Electrical System (Mechanism: Wiring Diagram, Electrical Circuit, Starting System, Engine Key Switch Shut-Off System, Charging System, Lighting System, Easy Checker, Gauges. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

10. Cabin (Safety Decals, Specifications, Travelling Speeds (With Creep Gear), Dimensions, General: Cooling Water, Maintenance Check List, Check and Maintenance, Special Tools. Mechanism: Wiring Diagram, Electrical Circuit, Lighting System, Air Conditioner System (Cooler and Heater), Windshield Wiper. Servicing: Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Precautions At Repairing, Refrigerant Cycle, Handling Of Service Tools, Checking and Charging Refrigerant Cycle, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

M. Mower (Specifications, Exterior View and Application. Mechanism: Power Transmission, Lifting Mechanism. General: Mower Identification, General Precaution, Lubricants, Tightening Torques (General Use Screws, Bolts and Nuts), Maintenance Check List, Check and Maintenance., Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Mounting and Dismounting Mower, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)

11. Loader specifications (LA480, LA481, LA680, LA681, LA852) (Safety Instructions, Specifications, Operating Dimensions, Performance Ratings (No Load), Terminology. Mechanism: Features, Hydraulic Circuit, Hydraulic Block, Contol Valve Assembly, Boom Cylinder and Bucket Cylinder. Servicing: General: Identification, General Precaution, Lubricants, Maintenance Check List, Check and Maintenance., Troubleshooting, Servicing Specifications, Tightening Torques, Dismounting From Loader From Tractor, Checking, Dissasembling and Servicing)


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Format: PDF IN ZIP, Language: English

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"This service manual doesn't infringe copyright. It is a duplicate of the original manual to serve as a spare copy for lost or damaged service manual. It is in no way replace the original version."
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