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Water Garden Pond Filters and Waterfall Close out sale, 20-30% off

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Water Garden Pond Filters and Waterfall Close out sale, 20-30% off list price New Old Stock,
$2800.00 Full Retail Make an offer on all, I do trade also.

1. 2 FITL-27 Combo Skimmer and Waterfall Combos 3-4000 Gallons pond $415.00 each

2. 36" water fall and PS-9000 Skimmer Combo $900.00

3. BF 1250 Filter $166.00

4. PS 4200 Skimmer $200.00

5. 24" Fast Falls $150.00

6. 20" Falls $225.00

7. Aqua Plant Pump Housing $40.00

8. 19" Stainless Steel Pump Housing $75.00

9. 4 2" Bulk head fittings $48.00

10. 18" Skimmer Rock Cover $69.00

11. 12" Floating Islant Plant Planter $37.00

12. 20" Floating Island Plant Planter $80.00

13. 100' Roll of 1" PVC Flex Tubing $100.00

See these sites for Pricing and Specifications on Products

Atlantic water Garden site

Atlantic Water Pond Price List


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