On Hold mcdougal littell algebra 2 Teaching Resource Package (01,04) (19 books)

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ID # 0427
McDougal Littell Algebra 2 Teacher's Resource Package (Package) By Larson, Boswell, Kanold, & Stiff
---- Worked-Out Solutions Key (step-by-step solutions for every problem in the student textbook, even and odd.
-----Warm-Up Transparencies and Daily Homework Quiz
-----Practice Workbook with Examples Teacher's Edition,
-----Standardized Test Practice Workbook Teacher's Edition
-----Basic Skills Workbook:Diagnosis and Remediation Teacher's Edition
-----14 chapter resource books. one for each chapter. value for each $62.00

the set value is $584.70

you will find workbook answer key, quizzes and 3 level chapter tests with answers, final exam with answers. and more.

never used. like new.
expedite shipping with tracking and with insurance. (5-7 business days to be delivered after shipping)
click to buy the Teaching Resources on CD ROM.
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