Meadowbrook 3 Aka Heather 1936 Rogers Flatware Tableware Silver-plate Serving Pieces Set

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Vintage 3 pieces Meadowbrook Aka Heather 1936 Rogers Flatware Tableware Silver-plate Serving Pieces Ready to use.

(Fork now imaged too.It too is in great shape)

There are 3 matching pattern.

1 large serving spoon.

1 cold meat fork.

1 open slot cake pie or dessert server--- pieces that would complement the set that you have stately heavy lovely very clean pieces .

All 3 are in good and decent shape and very nice and sought after pattern and are collectable as well as useful.

Back Says " ........W M. A. Rogers A1 plus Oneida LTD..

Also, I have 16 Ice Teaspoons on another add on Blujay .

3 Meadowbrook ka Heather 1936 Rogers Flatware Tableware Silver-plate Matching Serving Pieces

Take a look at the images. I may have more images to share and your questions are welcome.

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I am lubo17 on Yahoo Auctions with over 740 some good feedback ( before Yahoo auctions closed) .
Check by on Google search type in lubo17 Yahoo.

Also, I have 2 EBay sale sights that I sometimes sell on with all positive feedback.
    • Brand meadowbrook akaheather 1936
    • Mfg Part # silver plate rogers
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